If your campaign is switched on but not delivering, check your Manage Ads page to see if one of the following messages appears on your dashboard. Campaigns may not be delivered due to one or more of the following:
Account or Ad Awaiting Review
When a Quora Ads account is created, it will be verified by a team of moderators based on information in your Account Settings and campaigns. This is done to ensure compliance with our Advertising Policies.
Account review can take up to 24 hours. During this time, campaigns and ads will not be delivered.
Ads will also be paused when they are in the review queue. Ads must be approved if they are new, or if part of the ad was changed. For more information, please see How long does it take for my ad to be reviewed?
Ad Revision Required
If this message appears, the ads in your campaign are in an "Awaiting Review" or "Needs Revision" state. Confirm your ad sets are turned on and that they have at least one ad in the "Delivering" state.
If your ad is brand new, it will be paused for a few hours until our moderators review and approve it. For more information on why ads may be disapproved, please see our Advertising Policies.
Audience Loading or Audience Size 0
Audiences can take up to 24 hours to load. Once an audience is created and targeted in an ad set, it may take another 24 hours for ads to deliver. Please keep this in mind as you plan to launch an Audience Targeting ad set.
If you do not have the Quora Pixel installed and you create a Website Traffic Audience, the "Audience Size 0" message will appear. Website Traffic Audiences are built from the Base Pixel, so they cannot be created if the Base Pixel is not correctly installed on every page of your website.
Daily or Lifetime Budget Expired
The campaign has hit its daily or lifetime budget. To resume delivery, edit your budget thresholds on the Edit Campaign page. The ads manager runs on Pacific Time (PT), so it is important to make note of the time when changing your daily budgets.
If you intend to lower your daily budget after it has been spent for the day, you must lower the budget after 00:00 PT or before it is completely spent.
Campaign Not Started or Ended
Campaigns can start immediately or on a certain date. Navigate to the Edit Campaign page to make sure your "Start Date" is set for an upcoming day. You can also edit your schedule directly from the page. Please note that the Ads Manager runs on Pacific Time only.
When a campaign hits its "End Date", its ads are automatically paused. Extending the "End Date" will send ads back into delivery.
Campaign, Ad Set, or Ad Disabled
Check your campaign, its ad sets, and its ads. Every campaign must have one ad set turned on, and the ad set must have at least one ad turned on and "Delivering". If a campaign is turned on but says "Ad Set Disabled", the ad set is inactive. Grey buttons indicate inactive statuses, and blue buttons indicate active statuses.
You may also see "No Ad Set Available" if an ad set has no ads, or if its ads are in the "Ad Awaiting Review" or "Ad Revision Required" statuses.
If none of these resolve your issues, please contact us so we can provide further assistance
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